
Journal articles

Under review

  • Severing verbs from their arguments: Directionals and argument structure in Mam (with Noah Elkins and Tessa Scott). Ms., Haverford College, Université de Montréal & UC Berkeley. [link
  • Null Complement Anaphora cannot involve a transitivity alternation: A novel argument from Mayan (with Rodrigo Ranero) Ms., UCLA & Université de Montréal [link]


  • Mayan animacy hierarchy effects and the dynamics of Agree (with Amy Rose Deal). Accepted with minor revisions at Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. [link]
  • The syntax of quantifiers in Chuj (with Cristina Buenrostro & Peter Jenks). Accepted at Canadian Journal of Linguistics [link]
  • Explaining the Ban on Ergative Anaphors (with Dan Brodkin). Accepted with revisions at Glossa. [link]






Peer-reviewed book chapters


  • Demostrativos nominales en Chuj de San Mateo Ixtatán [with Cristina Buenrostro]. To appear in Samuel Herrera Castro, Rodrigo Romero Méndez and Violeta Vázquez-Rojas Maldonado, Sistemas de demostrativos de Lenguas Subrepresentadas de México [link]


  • Las configuraciones referenciales en chuj. In Cristina Buenrostro (ed.) Estudios de Lengua y Cultura Chuj, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [PDF]

  • La composición de la estatividad en chuj [with Robert Henderson, Paulina Elias, Justin Royer, and Jessica Coon]. In Cristina Buenrostro (ed.) Estudios de Lengua y Cultura Chuj, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


  • Headless relative clauses in Chuj. In Ivano Caponigro, Harold Torrence, and Roberto Zavala (eds.), Headless Relative Clauses in Mesoamerican languages. 327-361. Oxford University Press [link].


  • Nominalization and Selection in two Mayan languages [with Jessica Coon]. In Artemis Alexiadou and Hagit Borer (eds.), Nominalization: 50 Years on from Chomsky’s Remarks, 139-169. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198865544.003.0007

  • Clause-typing in Québec French TU [with Daniela Isac]. In Irene Vogel (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 16. 156-169. John Benjamins Publishing Company [link].
Proceedings/special volumes

To appear


  • Ergative anaphors and high absolutive syntax [with Dan Brodkin]. To appear in Gabriella de la Cruz-Sánchez (ed.), Proceedings of WCCFL 39. [PDF]


  • Modality in the nominal domain: The Chuj Yalnhej DPs [with Luis Alonso-Ovalle]. In Nicole Dreier, Chloe Kwon, Thomas Darnell, and John Starr (eds.), Semantics and Linguistic Theory  31, 61-81. [link]

  • Classifying classifiers: Evidence from Ch’ol, Shan, and Chuj for two types of numeral classifiers [with Carol Rose Little and Mary Moroney]. In Seung Suk Lee and Yixiao Song (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Meeting of the Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas, 145-160. [link]


  • Object raising, binding, and coreference in Chuj. 2021. in Alessa Farinella and Angelica Hill (eds.), NELS 51: Proceedings of the fifty-first annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. 191-204 [link]


  • An apparent syntax-prosody mismatch as right extraposition: Evidence from Mayan. In Ayana Whitmal, Yixiao Song, Mariam Asatryan (eds.), NELS 50: Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. 3, 113-126. [link]

  • Weak and strong definites in Kabyle. In Nico Baier, Jessica Coon, and Morgan Sonderegger, McGill Working Papers in Linguistics 26(1). [link]

  • Random choice modality: The view from Chuj (Mayan) [with Luis Alonso-Ovalle]. In Michael Franke, Nikola Kompa, Mingya Liu, Jutta L. Mueller, and Juliane Schwab, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24. 1, 48-65. Osnabrück University. [link]


  • Domain restriction and noun classifiers in Chuj (Mayan). In Maggie Baird and Jonathan Pesetsky (eds.), NELS 49: Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. 3, 87-97 [link]

  • Random-choice modality in Chuj: the case of ‘komon’ [with Luis Alonso-Ovalle]. In Ryan Bennett, Robert Henderson, Pedro Mateo Pedro, and Megan Harvey (eds.), Proceedings of Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics.  [link]


  • The composition of stativity in Chuj [with Robert Henderson, Paulina Elias, Justin Royer, and Jessica Coon]. In Laura Kalin, Ileana Paul, and Jozina Vander Klok, Heading in the right direction: linguistic treats for Lisa Travis. 100-109.


  • Noun and numeral classifiers in Chuj (Mayan). In Julia Nee, Margaret Cychosz, Dmetri Hayes, Taylor Lau, and Emily Remirez, Proceedings of the 43rd annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley Linguistics Society, 2(1), 29-38. [link]