Peer-reviewed conference presentations
- Quantifier interpretation in Chuj: Implications for the weak/strong contrast. (with Cristina Buenrostro). Paper presented at Semantics of Under-represented Languages of the Americas 13. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, October 2024. [exemplier]
- Severing the internal argument from its verb: The case of Mam. (avec Noah Elkins et Tessa Scott). Paper presented at the 11th TripleA Workshop. Université de Nantes, June 2024.
- Directionals and argument structure in Mam. (with Noah Elkins et Tessa Scott). Paper presented at the 27th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas (WSCLA 27). University of Toronto, April 2024. [exemplier]
- Super-extended ergativity in Mam. (with Noah Elkins et Tessa Scott). Paper presented at the 42nd edition of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 42). UC Berkeley, April 2024. [exemplier]
- Sobre la obviación en ch’ol. (with Morelia Vázquez Martínez and Carol Rose Little). Poster to be presented at Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics 7. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, February 2024 [poster].
- Deep and surface anaphora: Insights from Mayan. (with Rodrigo Ranero). Poster to be presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 54). MIT, January 2024.
- Lo que ves no es lo que hay: una perspectiva maya sobre la anáfora de complemento nulo (avec Rodrigo Ranero). Décimo Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica (CILLA X). University of Texas, Austin. November 2023. [exemplier]
- Mayan animacy hierarchy effects: A dynamic interaction approach (avec Amy Rose Deal). Paper presented at The 41st West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 41). UC Santa Cruz, May 2023. [exemplier]
- Mayan animacy restrictions and dynamic interaction (avec Amy Rose Deal). Paper presented at The 26th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas (WSCLA 26). McGill University, April 2023. [exemplier]
- Object raising bleeds binding: A new correlate of high-absolutive syntax in Mayan (with Jessica Coon). Paper presented at Toronto-Ottawa- Montreal workshop on the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. University of Ottawa, December 2021. [exemplier]
- Extracción del objeto y el parámetro absolutivo bajo/alto (avec Jessica Coon). Paper presented at Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics (FAMLi 6). San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico. November 2021. [exemplier]
- Two constraints on ergative anaphors (avec Dan Brodkin). 28th meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 28). McGill University & National University of Singapore, mai 2021. [exemplier]
- Modality in the nominal domain: The Chuj “yalnhej + wh” series (avec Luis Alonso-Ovalle). Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 31. Brown University, mai 2021. [exemplier]
- Ergative anaphors and high absolutive syntax (avec Dan Brodkin). 39th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL). University of Arizona, avril 2021.
- Aligner prosodie et syntaxe pour mieux comprendre la syntaxe: Phénomène prosodique en maya. 50 ans de linguistique à l’UQAM: Regards croisés sur les enjeux de la linguistique. Université du Québec à Montréal, avril 2021. [exemplier]
- Two types of numeral classifiers: Evidence from Shan, Ch’ol and Chuj (avec Mary Moroney et Carol Rose Little). Semantics Babble, University of California, San Diego, avril 2021. [exemplier]
- Expletive negation and negative polarity: The view from Québec French (avec Aurore Gonzalez). 43rd Annual Meeting of the Germany Linguistic Society (DGfS 43). Freiburg, février 2021. [exemplier]
- “Expletive negation” as a decomposed NPI in Québec French (avec Aurore Gonzalez). Going Romance 34. Paris. Novembre 2020. [exemplier]
- Binding and the “low/high abs” parameter in Mayan. 51st Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 51). Université du Québec à Montréal, novembre 2020. [exemplier]
- Two types of numeral classifiers: Evidence from Ch’ol, Shan, and Chuj (avec Carol Rose Little et Mary Moroney). Semantics of Under-Represented Languages of the Americas 11. Colegio de México et Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, août 2020
- Avoiding syntax-prosody mismatches in Chuj and K’iche’: An alternative to Henderson 2012. 94th annual meeting of the Linguistics Society of America. New Orleans, janvier 2020 [exemplier]
- Classifying classifiers: Two kinds of numeral classifiers across languages (avec Carol Rose Little et Mary Moroney). 94th annual meeting of the Linguistics Society of America. New Orleans, janvier 2020 [exemplier]
- An apparent syntax-prosody mismatch as right extraposition: Evidence from Mayan. 50th annual meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS 50). MIT, octobre 2019. [exemplier]
- Los sufijos de categoría en chuj y la interfaz entre sintaxis y prosodia. 9th Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America. University of Texas, Austin, octobre 2019. [exemplier]
- Random choice modality: The view from Chuj (avec Luis Alonso-Ovalle). Sinn und Bedeutung 24. University of Osnabrück, septembre 2019. [exemplier]
- Noun classifiers and the composition of DP in Chuj12th annual Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal Semantics Workshop. Concordia University, mars 2019. [exemplier]
- Domain restriction and noun classifiers in Chuj (Mayan). 49th annual meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS 49). Cornell University, octobre 2018. [affiche]
- La modalidad de desición arbitraria en chuj: komon (avec Luis Alonso-Ovalle). Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics 5 (FAMLi). Antigua, Guatemala, août 2018.
- Las configuraciones referenciales en Chuj. Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics 5 (FAMLi), Antigua, Guatemala, août 2018.
- La (in)definitud en Chuj y su relación con los clasificadores nominalesPrimer encuentro de estudios sobre el Chuj. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, mai 2018.
- La composición de la estatividad en Chuj (avec Robert Henderson, Paulina Elias et Jessica Coon). Primer encuentro de estudios sobre el chuj. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, mai 2018.
- Specificity, indefiniteness, and noun classifiers in Chuj (Mayan)40th annual conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS). Stuttgart, mars 2018.
- Noun classifiers, (in)definiteness, and pronouns in Chuj (Mayan). 1st Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal Indigenous Languages of Latin America Workshop (TOMILLA). University of Toronto, novembre 2017.
- Sistemas de clasificación nominal en chuj: hacia un análisis unificado. 8th conference of Indigenous Languages of Latin America. University of Texas, Austin, octobre 2017.
- Scalarity across clause-types: Québec French -tu (avec Daniela Isac). 27th Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Universidad de Alcalá, mai 2017.
- Expletive negation and scalar implicatures in Québec French. 47th Symposium on Romance Languages. University of Delaware, avril 2017.
- Clause-typing in Québec French -tu (avec Daniela Isac). 47th Symposium on Romance Languages. University of Delaware, avril 2017.
- Noun and numeral classifiers in Chuj (Mayan). 43rd annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. UC Berkeley, février 2017.
Conférencier invité
- Mayan animacy hierarchy effects and the dynamics of Agree (avec Amy Rose Deal). Invited talk at Understanding obviation workshop, McGill University, October 2024. [exemplier]
- Introduction to Mayan Obviation (avec Pedro Mateo Pedro). Invited talk at Understanding obviation workshop, McGill University, October 2024. [exemplier]
- Mayan animacy hierarchy effects and the dynamics of Agree (avec Amy Rose Deal). Invited talk at Syntax-morphology circle, Stanford University, April 2024. [exemplier]
- Constructing (in)definites: Lessons from Chuj. Invited talk at Construction of Meaning, Stanford University, December 2023.
- Mayan animacy hierarchy and the dynamics of Agree (avec Amy Rose Deal). S-Babble, UCSD. November 2023.
- Building (in)definites: A Chuj perspective. Colloquium, UC Berkeley. November 2023. [slides]
- Restricciones de animacidad y correferencia en las lenguas mayas: variación y análisis (avec Amy Rose Deal). Invited talk at Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social. March 2023. [exemplier]
- L’inversion sujet-objet et la coréférence nominale dans les langues mayas. Université du Québec à Montréal. Février 2023.
- Binding and anti-cataphora in Mayan. Rutgers University. Février 2023.
- Syntaxe et documentation linguistique : regards sur les langues mayas. Université de Montréal. Janvier 2023.
- Mayan animacy restrictions and dynamic interaction (avec Amy Rose Deal). Syntax-Semantics Circle, UC Berkeley. Octobre 2022. [exemplier]
- Binding and anti-cataphora in Mayan. 10th Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto-Hamilton Syntax Workshop. Université du Québec à Montréal. Avril 2022. [exemplier]
- Demostrativos nominales en Chuj de San Mateo Ixtatán (avec Cristina Buenrostro). Seminario de Semántica Descriptiva: Análisis y métodos de campo. Colegio de México/UNAM. Septembre 2021. [exemplier]
- Ergative Anaphors and High Absolutive Syntax (avec Dan Brodkin). Workshop on the Languages of Mesoamerica. University of California, Santa Cruz, mars 2021.
- Binding and coreference in Mayan: Evidence for object raising. UC Berkeley Syntax-Semantics Circle. University of California, Berkeley, novembre 2020. [exemplier]
- Modal effects in the nominal domain: Lessons from Chuj. Semantics of Under-Represented Languages of the Americas 11. Colegio de México et Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, août 2020. [exemplier]
- Pronominal classifiers and definiteness in Chuj. Calgary Workshop on Pronouns 2019. University of Calgary, novembre 2019. [exemplier]
- Artículos en kaqchikel y en chuj, lo que nos pueden decir las lenguas mayas. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, juin 2017.